Finishing the Game - The Final Boss

Over the past couple of weeks we've been hard at work at finishing up our game. One of the most prominent recent additions is a final boss fight.  Throughout this post I will be explaining how we designed and ultimately implemented this final boss sequence.

Early Render of Final Boss Segment

The boss character itself was designed and animated by Zach Bille. The animations I was provided included a couple of run animations along with animations for the enemy's slam attack. With these I programmed in two main states for the Centipede boss's attack.

The first state is the Centipede moving into the center of the octagonal boss arena and occasionally lifting it's head and slamming back down, producing a wave of damage from where it had slammed. The second state is the boss enemy charging through the several doorways that surround the arena and if the player is to be hit by the boss they will be given a large amount of damage and sent flying in the air.

The animations were handled using an animation state machine that is scripted to transition between the movement types based on what attack stage the boss was in. 

The boss's attack stages were all done in one script and were triggered based off of the duration of the previous stage, along with things like how many doors have yet to be run through by the enemy.

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